Friday, November 16, 2007

Onion post

I do not read The onion that often but when I was in LA, it was free in those little newspaper compartments on the street. I remember one time when I was walking home from work, I stopped abruptly and did a double take. The title of the article was "James Gandolfini shot by closure seeking fan". At first, I thought it was a real article because it was right next to the New York Times stand. I pulled one issue out and on the cover was a James Gandolfini look alike in a hawaiian shirt with his face down in a pool of blood on a restaurant table. I kept thinking of THe Godfather while looking at the image and I could not help but laugh. Part of me wished this really happened as I was so disappointed with the ending to that series (cut to black at a crucial climax on your own fucking time David Chase). It would have been the true definition of Irony if something like this happened in real life

In the article, James Gandolfini was in a restaurant when "Louis Bowen walked into the small Italian restaurant Occhiuto's at approximately 7:40 p.m. and headed directly toward Gandolfini's table. Bowen then drew a snub-nosed .38 revolver from his jacket and shot Gandolfini point-blank in the head three times before dropping the gun and calmly exiting the eatery." The ending echoed of that famous Godfather scene where we see Al Pacino transform in a matter of minutes (I think that David Chase did this on purpose to make the audience paranoid.) Bowen was a fan of The Sopranos but was troubled by the series ending. Bowen's motives for his actions was "I couldn't let it just hang.....Eight years of my life, and a fucking artsy cut to black? It was eating me up inside." I was once a rabid Sopranos fan (but i stopped watching after seeing too much of Meadow bitch and moan about college, and Christopher's whole rehab schpiel) and I had mixed feelings about the ending. I think it was kind of smart because leaving an open ending always gives you something to talk about after, and you can create what happened in your own mind. Optimist/pessimist kind of deal. But many people were so righteously furious with the ending and of course the editors of the onion had to put their two cents in.

I think articles like this point out the ridiculousness in what we watch and how creators can ultimately fuck it up. But it also brings up the very valid point that we care too much about pointless garbage. We grow so attached to these shows and if one thing goes wrong or something occurs on the show that we dont like, the show is shunned. The OC got cancelled because they killed that really scrawny broad. It so weird because we always demand more and more, and then because of this , the show becomes crap ae: Lost. I feel bad for producers who are creating shows, and they are forced to raise the stakes until they soil their precious big late night hit.

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