Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Does anyone else realize the big joke in the film about the Tracy's banner looking like a big giant "PICK FUCK" (especially on the cupcakes)? I heard that Alexander Payne specifically put her posters in all caps to make it look in that way. The movie is far superior to the film to me because of the great symbolism A. Payne uses throughout the film. The Book just lacks any deeper meaning then what is explicitly written on the page, and without the movie, this would be a very dull story.

The film captures so much more in the characters and storyline through great subtley. I love the battle of Coke Vs. Pepsi because it is a goofy analogy, and much more interesting than the Bush/Clinton/Pierot Election. At the beginning of the film, Tracy mentions Coke is Number 1. Mr. M is later drinking a pepsi when he gets the idea to have Paul run for office. If you watch the film again you will see countless references to the cola wars, especially when Tracy gets shot down or runs into problems with the election (most of it is Mr. M's doing). Another reoccuring motif is that of temptation leading to a fallout, in the form of, what else, Apples. (Fruit always get a bad wrap in films, i.e Godfather and Oranges). Mr. M makes an analogy with democracy with apples and oranges to the semi retarded Paul Metzler to convince him to join the election. Also after the affair is commited, Mr. M is under an apple tree when he gets stung. And let's just get it out of the way that neither Mrs. M or Linda were attractive at all.........

Why couldnt more stuff like this be included in the book??? The movie captures those people we all knew in high school and gives them this great depth which made it even more comical as we peer into the lives of these strange individuals. We all have felt like Mr. M at times with those people in High school (though not as extreme) and the book fails to give the connection with Mr. M's character that Ferris Bueller gives us in the film. Reese Witherspoon does this amazing job of being such a........sorry to say it.... wait im not going to say it because their are feminists in the class, but it rhymes with the word bunt. There is no other way to describe her. She embodies the relentless politician/know it all/closet slut that the book cannot, or rather does not translate to the screen. Why can't more films do what A. Payne did for Election? I dont know. But their are several films I like better on screen than in pages

1. Election
2. Fight Club
3. Trainspotting and Clockwork Orange (hard to read you need a codex to read through the book)
4. Thank you for smoking
5. Any story in the bible

The ending in the film is also much better.....

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